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Finally after three days of intense fighting the 1rst Division 7th cavalry was being airlifted out of X-ray. The total body count for Americans was 79 and 121 wounded with none missing. Moore estimated that the enemy dead was 634 with an additional 1,215 killed by artillery and air attacks. They were transported to landing zone Falcon and then to Camp Holloway. The battle was far from over though. The 2nd battalion 7th cavalry that had helped secure landing …

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…look at the battle. Moore actually met with Nguyen Huu An and discussed the battle. An actually brought diaries and battle maps of the battles. That helps you get a look at the entire story not just what was happening on the American side. I really did like this book and would recommend it to anyone who was interested in the Vietnam War, because it gives you a grunts eye view of what really happened.