Emily Dickinson's reflection of god

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Emily Dickinson had a view of God and His power that was very strange for a person of her time. Dickinson questioned God, His power, and the people in the society around her. She did not believe in going to church because she felt as though she couldn't find any answers there. She asked God questions through writing poems, and believed that she had to wait until she died to find out the answers. Dickinson …

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…has over a person and their life. Dickinson lived to serve and please God. She did this by simply believing in Him and in what He could do. She did not need to go to church, become a nun, or profess her faith externally to be a true believer. Emily Dickinson showed her love and faith in God through her strenuous thought and questioning, and with her belief that God is always there when you