Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Works of literary value often utilize a setting or settings to assume a symbolic importance in correlation to the works central conflict or conflicts. Setting works as a symbol in Bronte's Wuthering Heights, adds to the reader's understanding of central conflicts. Thrushcross Grange, Wuthering Heights and the Moors that separate both, are the three main settings throughout Bronte's novel. The two great households described in the novel, Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, represent the sharply …

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…with Heathcliff's revenge. He feels that he must have avenged Catherine's death and his own mistreatment when he was a child. Although he does not truly enjoy peace until he gives up on his plans for revenge. He then dies and is finally reunited with his love in eternal bliss. Wuthering Heights may be many things, and may develop a number of complicated and important themes; but it is first and foremost a love story.