Emile Durkheim's "Suicide"

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
1.<Tab/>Durkheim suggests that suicide is tied with "moral life as a whole" (p. 45) not only in the text, but through tables of many different countries. On page 47, Table I, Stability of Suicide in the Principal European Countries, shows that the major countries, France, Prussia, and England, all show patterns. This table is one example of how suicide is a social fact because there is stability, a pattern, and a trend …

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…are more suicides now because suicide is tied to "moral life as a whole", and as time moves away from history, morals become more relaxed, while the history of prohibition becomes more strict (p. 333). More people have looser values, moving away from Catholicism, giving more time for individual thoughts and cares. Society, as a whole, has more of a morally relaxed ideals, which is just what causes a higher suicide rate has Durkheim stated earlier.