Emigrants Americas New Slave!

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Essay Database > History
With what was promised in America, Emigrants really had no choice but to pack up their families and leave everything they had and knew when faced with their current poor living conditions, sagging economy, and the fear of their own government. The few that were successful returned to their homelands telling tales of all the good things but not about the hard times that they endured. Then you had those unscrupulous Americans that would be …

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…the abuses of employers due to the fear of losing their jobs to the many other emigrants willing to take their place, even at a lower wage. The emigrants of our nations industrialization suffered through long hours, unsafe working conditions, many survived and went on to be American citizens, but ten's of thousands died in their quest for the American dream. Works Cited Gorn Elliott J., Constructing the American Past, 5th Ed Vol 2, 2005, Chapter Four.