Emerging Markets in Asia.

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Emerging Markets in Asia University of Phoenix January 8, 2004 Emerging Markets in Asia Over the past decade the world has witnessed rapid long-term economic growth for East Asian countries. These newly developing countries are experiencing growth rates in GDP between 6% and 7%, compared to the 2% to 3% for most industrial economies. If this growth continues, South Korea and Taiwan could take away America's distinction as the world's richest country. This rapid economic growth is a result of several …

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…use of new technologies. All of these factors should help continue their recent economic success. Resources Gibney, Frank. (April 24, 1995) Vietnam: Back In Business. Time Magazine. Volume 145. No 17: 47-49 Moise, Edwin E. Moise "Modern China, A History." The Economic Growth. New York: Longman, Inc., 1986: 165-181. Rich, Joe. (1980) Japan Since The Occupation. Asia's Modern Culture. 2nd Ed. Sydney: Longman Inc., (pp. 190-193) Prager, Karsten. (March 25, 1996) China: Waking Up To The Next Superpower. Time Magazine. Volume 147. No 13: 51-54.