Emerging Markets and Regions Paper

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Emerging Markets An emerging market is a country that is putting forth the effort to improve its economy by raising their performance to be comparable to more advanced nations of the world. Some of the more sizeable emerging markets include Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Poland, South Africa, South Korea, and Turkey. Each of these emerging markets lies within a free-trade region. There are ten free-trade regions under the General Agreement on Tariffs and …

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…with great means to reach their goals of accelerating economic growth. Additionally, the unity they have established within ASEAN will help them to accomplish the underlying goals of strengthening the foundations and promoting regional peace. References: The Ten Regions of Free Trade Under GATT, 1995. Retrieved from the World Wide Web on May 27, 2004, at www.mazzaroth.com. The Official Website of Southeast Asian Nations, 2004. Retrieved from the World Wide Web on May 28, 2004, at www.aseansec.org.