Ellis Island.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
Millions of people entered the US in the late 1800's, but how? Ellis Island was the one and only provider for immigration in the late 1800's. At first, the Battery in lower Manhattan was the immigration station. Eventually, the Battery could not handle the flow of immigrants. This caused the federal government to buy Ellis Island from Samuel Ellis, a merchant of New York City, and that's how the Islands name was given. Ellis Island …

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…PG<Tab/>Pregnancy SC<Tab/>Scalp (fungus) SI<Tab/>Special Inquiry X<Tab/>Suspected Mental Defect (X) (Circled)<Tab/>Definite Mental Defect Nowadays, Ellis Island serves as a museum for people to see how their ancestors got to America. In this museums, you can see names, images, and clips of the immigration though Ellis Island.