Ellis Island

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Ellis Island was known as 'the front doors to freedom' by the millions of immigrants who passed through Ellis Island when coming to the United States of America. This island was the major port of entry to America for immigrants from all around the world. During the mid-late 1800's Ellis Island admitted approximately 13-14 million immigrants. 3.5 million people arrived between 1891 and 1900 alone. Most of the immigrants to pass through Ellis Island were from Europe and …

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…to their native countries. Ellis Island has been the gateway to freedom for many. However, it also was a closed door for others. Even for those who passed through, many were given new names which also contributed to their acculturation. In all I believe that Ellis Island helped many escape hardships and find their "American Dream". For others, they found on the other side of Ellis Island that there were no streets paved with gold.