Ella Tambussi Grasso This is a brief expository essay on Ella Tambussi Grasso. I'm sorry but I must ask you to read the first paragraph because I cannot insert it here or I think it won't submit.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Ella Tambussi Grasso Ella Tambussi Grasso was born in Windsor Locks, Connecticut on May 10, 1919. She was a daughter of two Italian immigrants. She lived in Windsor Locks her entire life. She graduated from Mount Holyoke College with honors in 1940, and earned her M.A. and B.A. degrees. During World War II she served as assistant director of research for the Connecticut office of the War Manpower Commission. Ella Grasso became active in the Windsor …

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…She overcame religious prejudice and sexism to succeed in public service. Ella Tambussi Grasso has affected the whole state of Connecticut and me because she was a champion for those who needed help, including minorities, women, young people, working people, and senior citizens. She has inspired generations of future leaders by her landmark achievements in government service. This is why Ella Tambussi Grasso of Windsor Locks, Connecticut is in the Connecticut Women's Hall of Fame.