Elizabeth's Epiphany - This is the events leading up to Elizabeth's epiphany in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

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Epiphany Throughout Pride and Prejudice, various events have happened to lead up to the climax of the book, Elizabeth's epiphany. During this time Elizabeth deals with many internal conflicts, all revolving around the same person: Mr. Darcy. During the proposal, Darcy tells her all the things that are wrong with her family and her own "inferiority." (160) Despite all this, he still loves her. Darcy seems sure she will accept, but Elizabeth's dislike of his pride …

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…changed. Elizabeth looked back to the behavior of her family in the instances Darcy had mentioned, and they were all of the instances that had caused great embarrassment to her: Mary singing at the ball, "Elizabeth was in agonies" (87) and her mother in almost any instance, was always embarrassing. With all of the new perspectives and images Darcy has created for Elizabeth, she has many conflicts to deal with in order to reach her epiphany.