Elie Wiesel's book "Night".

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
For a series of several hellish months spent under the gun in the Nazi prison camps, Elie Wiesel had managed to survive the systematic slaughter of his fellow Jews. In his book Night, Elie Wiesel tells us of the relentless hunger and strife he, and his fellow Jewish brethren, experienced in order to elude the Nazi demise. Night gives us a first hand look into the Nazi concentration camps, such as the infamous Auschwitz, which …

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…Auschwitz they immediately recognized a towering chimney spewing forth flames (Wiesel, 36). The strange thing about these foreshadowing occurrences is that Elie actually happened to witness them. Night is a compelling story which presents us with an unprecedented look into the life of the many holocaust victims. There is of course much more to this story then what has already been mentioned. Its true purpose can only be seen when one reads it for them self.