Elements Combind that led up to the French Revolution

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Essay Database > History
The Causes of the French Revolution There were many causes of the French Revolution. Political, Social, and economic discontent; Discontent of the Bourgeoisie; Enlightenment ideas; Financial collapse. Before the revolution there were three estates. v The first which Consisted of the higher and lower clergy. v The second, which consisted of the nobility. They owned a quarter of the land in France. They held the highest offices in government and army. v The Third Estate …

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…in new ways about mankind and the environment. Philosophes were men of the letters. Examples of these men are Voltaire, Locke, Diderot, Montsqueiu, and Rousseau. Many of their views stemmed from the scientific revolution. The philosophes criticized absolute monarchy, aristocratic society, the established church. Financial Collapse The French government was in much debt. They spent more than it received in taxes. Eventually it went completely bankrupt. All these elements combined led up to the revolution.