Electoral College

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Introduction When Americans vote for a President and Vice President, they are actually voting for presidential electors, known collectively as the Electoral College. It is these electors, chosen by the people, who elect the chief executive. The Constitution assigns each state a number of electors equal to the combined total of the state?s Senate and House of Representatives delegations; at present, the number of electors per state ranges from three to 55, for 538. In each …

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…nj.npri.org/on96/11/electora.htm ElectionRefrom.org, 2001, ?Electoral College Reform: Analysis of Electoral College Reform Options?, [Online] Available at: http://www.electionreform.org/ERMain/priorities/ec/reform.htm National issues.com, 2000, ?Electoral Collage?, [Online] Available at: http://www.nationalissues.com/electoral_college/ Neal, T.H. 2001, ?CRS Report for Congress - The Electoral College: How it Works in North Harris College Library, 2003, ?Electoral Collage?, [Online] Available at: http://nhclibrary.nhmccd.edu/govinfo/us/ecollege.html