Elder Abuse

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Elder Abuse - The Hidden Crime http://www.mpshu.on.ca/SeniorsIssues/elder.htm The definition of elderly abuse is the mistreatment of the elderly that is inflicted by someone else as opposed to self-neglect which is often a result of mental deterioration or other disabilities. It may consist of passive neglect, psychological abuse, financial abuse, active neglect or physical abuse. Life expectancy has increased since the turn of the century. And for many aging …

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…not alone and they do not deserve this treatment. It is important to talk to someone such as a physician, a counselor, a public health nurse, the police or a women's shelter. Legal advice can also be obtained to help with this problem and it is important that it is dealt with immediately to ensure proper care of loved ones. Bibliography Elder Abuse - The Hidden Crime http://www.mpshu.on.ca/SeniorsIssues/elder.htm