Elba Holdings Case Study Analysis

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Pages: 26
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Essay Database > Business & Economy
1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A detailed analysis has been carried out on a Malaysian incorporated company: Elba Holdings Bhd. Basically they deal in the manufacturing and retailing of garments and they carry three brands: Elba, Edwin, and Adax. The analysis was done by using the following theories: The PEST analysis was studies to give a better understanding as to how the external macro environment affects the company. There are many external risks involved here especially when foreign …

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…visited on January 22th 2004 *BankNegara (1995), http://info.sm.umist.ac.uk/dissertation/dissertations/suanchinOngAPPENDICES.pdf, visited on January 22th 2004 *University Sains Malaysia, (2003) Business.unisa.au ,Visited on 25th December 2003 *Pricewaterhouse Coopers, (2003) www.pwc.com/r&c Visited on 31st January 2004 TABLE OF CONTENTS PG NOS: 1.0 Executive Summary 1-2 2.0 Introduction3 3.0 PEST Analysis4 - 7 4.0 Porters 5 Forces 8 - 11 5.0 Competitors Analysis12 - 15 6.0 Customers Analysis15 - 16 7.0 Financial Analysis17 - 19 8.0 SWOT Analysis20 - 22 9.0 TOWS Analysis22 - 23 10.0 Conclusion24 11.0 Recommendation25 - 26 12.0 Referencing27