El Grito, or "the Cry" of Independence

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
It's the fifth of May, or Cinco de Mayo, and although it is not an official holiday in Mexico, it is barely recognized there, that doesn't stop Mexicans living north of the Rio Grande from making it their biggest cultural celebration of the year. There are about 20 million Mexicans and Americans with Mexican heritage now living in the U.S. Throw in the thousands of honorary Mexicans who just happen to like tequila, tortillas and …

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…as the one around East 116th Street in Manhattan, which will host one of the city's largest celebrations on Sunday. This is the story of America. The celebrants may be waving the Mexican flag, but they are merely the latest of many to arrive here with only hope and hard work on their resumes. Cinco de Mayo, like St. Patrick's Day, just proves that America is a great place to celebrate where you are from