Eighteen shots of liquid sin (poetry)

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
eighteen shots of liquid sin The Eighteenth Shot of Liquid Sin The minutes pass by, the water falls, from bloodshot vacant eyes, my heart is torn with pain and fear, the anger starts to rise. The eighteenth shot of liquid sin can't help me to forget, the guilt and shame I feel each day, fueled by my regrets. I made a sacred promise, to God for my life and I, a promise which was broken …

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…he shows me the way. The door was opened, I stepped through, despair came to an end, the eighteenth shot of liquid sin no longer is my fiend. I thank God for one more chance to live another day, I humbly walk beside him as he takes my fears away. I give this message to all of those who's lives are torn apart, Let God forgive, he'll let you live with peace inside your heart.