Effects of the American Frontier-

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Essay Database > History
Effects of the American Frontier- The North American frontier contributed greatly to today's American culture. For nearly 150 years before independence, the Appalachian mountain range had been the American frontier, separating civilization from wilderness. When North America gained independence and became the United States, however, people began to move more freely across the frontiers, into the unknown. The land belonged to them now, and they were free to explore it however deeply they chose claiming at …

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…egalitarianism, that everyone is equal in status. There were simply so many types of people, rich or poor, that worked in the same way, earning money the same way, that a class system was not important. American psychology was deeply impacted by the frontier experience. The frontier experience was very important in shaping modern American culture. American development, moving from the known into the unknown, has drastically affected the way Americans live and function today.