Effects of imperialism in Asia.

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"What impact did Western imperialism and colonialism have on Asia" That Colonialism and imperialism played a significant role in shaping the modern world and particularly Asia is a prudent judgment. Colonialism is "a policy in which a country rules other nations and develops trade for its own benefit" and "the extension of power or authority over others in the interests of domination" (2004). 'The West', which refers to the societies of Europe and their genealogical, colonial, …

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…Western imperialism and colonialism. The West truly had a detrimental impact on Indochina because it caused the collapse of Indochina's traditional system of government, loss and weakening of its pre-existing culture, diminishment of its people's prosperity and freedom, and destruction of its economy. Concisely, Indochina's relationship with the West brought nothing but bloodshed, tears, poverty, famine, and a legacy of economic and social problems that will continue to plague Southeast Asia for centuries to come.