Effects of divorce on children
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Pages: 5
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The Effects of Divorce on Children
This paper will investigate the effects of divorce on children and it will focus on different ages of children and the effect on there lives. The information in this paper was gathered in the spring of 2001.
A. 1. The effects of divorce on toddlers, and preschooler.
2. The effects of divorce on preteens and adolescents.
3. The effect of living in stepparent or single parent home.
B. The purpose of the study
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Families. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1991. Galston, William A. Divorce American Style? The Public Interest no124. 12-26. Wilson Select Plus. 29 Nov. 2000. Kitson, Gay C., and William M. Holmes. Portrait of Divorce. New York: The Guilford Press, 1992. Wallerstein, Judith S. et al. The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce. New York: Hyperion, 2000. Zinner, Roz. Point Physical Custody: Smart Solution or Big Problem?? Divorce Helpline. 12 Dec. 2000. Zinsmeister, Karl. Divorce Toll on Children? The American Enterprise v. 7 May/June 1996. 39-44.
Families. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1991. Galston, William A. Divorce American Style? The Public Interest no124. 12-26. Wilson Select Plus. 29 Nov. 2000. Kitson, Gay C., and William M. Holmes. Portrait of Divorce. New York: The Guilford Press, 1992. Wallerstein, Judith S. et al. The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce. New York: Hyperion, 2000. Zinner, Roz. Point Physical Custody: Smart Solution or Big Problem?? Divorce Helpline. 12 Dec. 2000. Zinsmeister, Karl. Divorce Toll on Children? The American Enterprise v. 7 May/June 1996. 39-44.