Effects of Divorce on Children
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Words: 504
Pages: 2
(approximately 235 words/page)
Pages: 2
(approximately 235 words/page)
Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
One out of every two marriages today end in divorce and many divorcing families include children. Parents who are going through divorce often believe it is in the best interest of the children to shield them from the stress of the situation. Regardless of the parents' good intentions, children often find themselves caught in an emotional whirlpool during these times. Divorce has many long term and short term effects on children. One major effect on
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years old, gave up his childhood to take care of his very emotional mother. We both put off our educations for several years. My husband now has an Associate's degree in Business Administration and I am working on my core classes for the RN program. We find ourselves trying a little harder to make things work so our children never have to go through the experiences we did and deal with the effects of divorce.
years old, gave up his childhood to take care of his very emotional mother. We both put off our educations for several years. My husband now has an Associate's degree in Business Administration and I am working on my core classes for the RN program. We find ourselves trying a little harder to make things work so our children never have to go through the experiences we did and deal with the effects of divorce.