Effective Workplace Teams

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Pages: 11
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Essay Database > Business & Economy
EFFECTIVE WORKPLACE TEAMS<Tab/> A team is a group of people working as an organisation. Teams can be of varying sizes, working independently or inter-linked within other teams. All work organisations operate more effectively as a team. Each person's role can be treated as individual but ultimately will be more successful when integrated with others. It is imperative that there is good communication between all parties, acceptance of diversity and harmonious …

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…Prentice-Hall Inc. Attitudes have drastically changed over the years in terms of working environments. Companies are becoming much more aware of the value of teamwork and are actively embracing this by the participation in team building exercises, workers forums and staff councils. An attitude of equality towards each other expressed in the structure of reciprocity is another strike against infantilisation in organisations. Kline, N (1999). Time to Think, Listening to Ignite the Human Mind -Cassell, London. *********************************