Effect of the Past Demand of Bobcat Pelts on Recent Years

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Abstract: Precise and unbiased estimates of survival and mortality patterns are needed to understand population dynamics of bobcats (Lynx rufus). Bobcat pelts were at a high demand 20 years ago. As a result, bobcat populations had to be monitored, even now, to make sure that the decline of bobcat populations would not decrease again as it did in the past. By using the Pop-2 computer model, we are able to predict what percentage of an increase …

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…populations in Wyoming. Journal of Wildlife Management 39:408-415 Fuller, T. K., W. E. Berg, and D. W. Kuehn. 1985. Survival rates and mortality factors of adult bobcats in north-central Minnesota. Journal of Wildlife Management 42:292-296 Heisey, D. M. and T. K. Fuller. 1985. Evaluation of survival and cause-specific mortality rates using telemetry date. Journal of Wildlife Management 49:668-674 Knick, S. T. 1990. Ecology of bobcats relative to exploitation and a prey decline in southeastern Idaho. Wildlife Monographs 108:1-42