Effect of imperialism on the Rwandan genocide

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Essay Database > History
There is a lot of history in a small country like Rwanda. The original inhabitants were the ethnic Twa. By the 10th century, Hutu farmers were established there. Tutsi warriors with cattle arrived after the 14th century. Tutsi formed a monarchy by the 16th century. All tribes shared a common language and culture, and there were no race issues until the 20th century. (4) <Tab/>Germany was the first European country to …

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…have been prevented if it wasn't for so much hate and carelessness of imperialistic European nations in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Bibliography 1. Hilsum, Lindsey. "Men mad with killing drown nation in blood". The Independent. 1 May 1994. 2. Dowden, Richard. "A wound at the heart of Africa". The Independent. 11 May 1994. 3. LaFraniere, Sharon. "3 convicted of genocide in Rwanda Media chiefs guilty of inciting massacre of Tutsi in 1994". International Herald Tribune. 4 Dec. 2003. 4. World Book Encyclopedia 2003. Vol. 16. 5. Culture Grams 2004.