Effect of a "white" culture of African and American Indian literature

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Incorporation into the dominate "white" culture plays a critical role in American Indian and African literature during the time periods we now refer to as Colonial Literature and Literature of the New Republic. From how these types of people's works were marketed, to how it influenced their individual writing, American Indians and African's were molded and influenced, whether directly or indirectly, to better fit into the prominent culture of the day. The white people had …

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…white man's friendly offer, the natives offered to take the white man's sons and "take great care of their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." As can be seen in the works presented throughout this essay, dominant culture played a major roel in the lives of Africans and Indians during the years 1670 to 1800. The culture affected everything from their lives, to their own personal cultures, to their literary endeavors.