Education in Canada.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
Education in Canada General Information Education in Canada consists of ten provincial and three territorial systems, including public schools, separate schools, and private schools. Children are required by law to attend school from the age of 6 or 7 until they are 15 or 16. To make this possible, all non-private education through secondary school is publicly funded. In Quebec, general and vocational colleges are also publicly funded and only a minimal registration fee is required. Most other post-secondary …

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…you. If you (or your parents) aren't Catholic, you might be prevented from attending a Catholic school. It is important not to lose sight of why people bother with learning. Schools teach reading and writing and arithmetic, but if they don't answer your bigger, more important questions, one must wonder how useful they really are. If it hasn't taught you what you will do with the rest of your life, it has let you down.