Education among Minorities. This is a great summary of 2 different journals, explaning minorities and their educational disabilities.

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Education Among Minorities The first of the journal's four major points is to explain why some minority students do well in school. The first step in understanding why there is success and failure in all types of minorities. The different type of minority groups are the ones that classify what type of minority you are dealing with and what type of environment they are associated with. There are three types of minority groups that are …

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…of Negro Education, Vol. 63, No . 3, Brown v. Board of Education at 40: A commemorative Issue Dedicated to the Late Thurgood Marshall (1994) John U. Ogbu, "The Journal of Negro Education, Vol.59, No. 1, Minority Education in Comparative Perspective. (1990) Walters, Laurel Shaper. (1995, March 13). Minorities in Higher Education. Loupe, Diane. (1995, August 3). Gearing up for School Back to School Math. Bank, James A., Banks, Cherry A. Mcgee., (Eds.). (2004). Mutlicultral Education: Issues and Perspectives. Danvers, MA: John Wiley & Sons Inc.