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Essay Database > Literature > English
Home: Social Issues Education - Is it working? Essay written by: She Who Must be Obeyed! Going into our twenty-first century, we are finding more and more students graduating from high school not prepared to do college-level work or achieve sufficiently in entry-level jobs. The public business community is beginning to doubt whether or not public schools are capable of producing individuals who can become productive members of society. They ask the school systems how …

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…would be fewer students being promoted. According to the American Federation of Teachers (2001) Ninety-five percent of public schools had some sort of guidelines or standards they went by. For students who were found to be struggling with their studies these provided at least one intervention option, for example: 56% of schools used extra homework as one of their standards used to help struggling students. Others used an after school-coaching program, while others used various other approaches. .