Editorial: Is the AK-47 superior to the M-16?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
This is another of those enduring, if totally wrong, myths that came out of the Vietnam War. This dispute is still going on between AK-47 and M-16 loyalists. The facts are very clear if you look into this controversy. Both assault rifles are popular worldwide and each has had a long time of service for many countries and is still used to this day. Although, looking back to the Vietnam War when the rifles were …

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…M-16A1 was a much more efficient assault rifle rather than the AK-47, thus proving that it's combat efficiency makes it the superior weapon against the AK-47 and should be know for it's integrity as a reliable weapon. With actual lifetime demonstrations and the information and experience from soldiers who were in Vietnam and used the first official M-16s of the time agree that it is the best overall weapon of the 21st century!