Edinburgh's Saint.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
This is a story about a boy. It is about believing in the impossible and making it come true. There was a boy, an amazing boy. He was born in 1645. Since he could talk he always told his parents that he was different from others. Of course his parents always thought that he was the same as everyone else. "He is just overreacting. He cannot be special, nor can he be different. In this world …

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…town of Edinburgh. The people of Edinburgh worshipped him every Sunday. Prologue On September 11, 2001 two planes hit two skyscrapers, The World Trade Center Twin Towers. This began a series of terrorist attacks on the world. I personally don't know what to classify Anthony's story as; maybe a myth, maybe a legend. One thing is for sure if it is true "Did Anthony see these two birds hit the World Trade Center or was it different?"