Edgar allan poe

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Essay Database > Literature > English
1 The Works of Edgar Allan Poe Though Edgar Allan Poe's life he faced many heart breaking ordeals. Due to this, Poe became physically and mentally ill. Many people think that Poe's writing was a way of expressing his anger over his illness. Poe lost his mother and father when he was only three years old. In the year 1836 Poe married his cousin Virginia Clemm who was 14. After only a short couple of years, Virginia died. …

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…death, are dealt with extensively by Poe's contemporary critics as well as those writing in the twentieth century. Certain critics have ascribed Poe of being a morbidity of character and a cruel and unnatural temperament. (Quinn 187) Poe was a complex person, he may have been tormented and an alcoholic. Indeed, his painful life, his violent horror and death, and his sense of the world of dreams contributed to his greatness as a writer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**