Edgar Allan Poe, Author Study

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Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe's life growing up was unpleasant one which led to his death. Poe's writings were like no other during that time period. Many people praised him for his work. Poe's depression was caused by an alcoholic father, death to both his mothers, death to his loving wife, separation of his siblings, and an abusive foster father. His depression led him into much trouble with alcohol. He drank alcohol to ease …

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…more depression, because he is unable to write. Poe's death was a heartbreaking one. And for such a good writer it should have been easier on him. Poe's life was not easy, and he was miserably depressed, because of the death of his loved ones. His mother, foster mother, and wife all died. Poe's life would have been better, if he would have had a better child hood, but would he have been so great.