Eddie's fate. Is eddies fate as inevitable as Alfieri suggests?

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
"I knew where he was heading, I knew where he was going to end" Is Eddie's fate as inevitable as Alfieri suggests? Right from the start of A View From The Bridge, during Alfieri's first monologue, he suggests that the story will not have a happy ending and it will run through a bloody course. Whenever Alfieri comes on stage the lighting fades and he is spot lit. This brings a certain gloom to the …

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…not allow himself to know what his feelings were as shown by his reaction to Beatrice and Alfieri. Whilst Catherine stayed true to him, his passion continued to grow and no one could have brought him to reason. He was even prepared to commit the most terrible betrayal of his community and his family, threatening his name and reputation, which he held so dear. In the end he really has nothing left to live for.