Eddie George

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
The question for my report is, What impact has Eddie George had on sports. Eddie George played a big role in the world of football. He and Steve McNair led the Tennessee Titans to the Superbowl, but they lost. Eddie George was 8, just another young kid on the neighborhood playground who fantasized about winning the Heisman Trophy, when his mother, Donna, began to get his life in the order she wants him to grow up …

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…with the chants of 67,000 Tennessee fans ringing in his ears, Eddie George will be expected to do what he has done for this franchise for the past four years. Carry them as far as he can. In conclusion, I think Eddie George has had a major impact on sports. Because when he pushed his team during the Superbowl, other players might have been thinking of how they can push their team during the next season.