Ecstasy the hug drug

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Love Drug In America, some 5 million people regularly take some kind of illegal pill. Ecstasy, or also known as MDMA, was first developed as an appetite suppresser. Now it is used mainly for "rave life". Ecstasy not only can have an effect on a person mentally, but also physically. Ecstasy first originated in Germany as an appetite suppressant. It was never tested; therefore, when it hit the market, dieters seemed to complain of mirages, psychedelic …

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…coma position and ensure the airway is clear. The next day is crucial in a healthy recovery. Eating and drinking a substantial amount will only increase homeostasis. Ecstasy, once a diet drug, is now commonly used among young adults as the normal thing to do at parties. This drug maybe great for awhile, but them comes the after effects which can last quite a long time. Quoted by a famous hound McGruff, " Don't to Drugs."