Economic consequences of restriction of immigration

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Immigration, a word that implies so much, a word that constitutes movement of human species around earth in the very beginning of life, a word that meant so much during war periods and the word that has a great deal of attention paid to in the days of peace and relative prosperity. Is there any persuasive reasons for a country to bar any healthy, law abiding individual from immigrating? Many believe that it is in …

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…In the short run these groups may simply delay the day of reckoning. Their potential long-run impact, however, is much more perilous: the longer the delay, the greater the chances that when immigration policy finally changes, it will undergo a seismic shift -- one that, as in the twenties, may come close to shutting down the border and preventing Americans from enjoying the benefits that a well-designed immigration policy can bestow on the United States.