Economic Prosperity and decline in Canada.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
During the great war, many export markets for Canadian Producers fell dramatically. Because of the huge war debts of Europeans countries, which hurt the western farmers badly, there was simply no market for Canadian goods. So the Canadians (about a million) move to United States from the rural areas of Eastern Canada, all because of high unemployment and increased on bankruptcies. By 1924, conditions were much improved in Canada because of the american investment in Canada …

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…soon became the world's second largest producer. Because of Canada natural resources, we produced aluminum metal which soon became would known to the world, which then attracted more people to come immigrate to Canada, to cause another economic boom to Canada's investments. Canada's conditions were much improved by 1924 due to the national resources such as, wheat, pulp and paper, hydroelectricity and mining, nickel, copper and aluminum, to help fueled the economic boom of Canada's investments.