Economic Job Classifications

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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
White-collar workers are people who work in less labour demanding jobs; commonly desk jobs. These workers are generally paid more than blue-collar workers. Many workers in this classification are not "upper class", as was once thought. Salaried professionals, such as some doctors or lawyers, are classified as white-collar workers. Those with administrative, clerical and, in some cases, manager positions are also considered to be white-collar employees. In many businesses, white-collar workers may carry out blue-collar …

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…of protective clothing, such as hard hats, heavy work boots, or steel-toe boots. The term could also be referred to any situation where manual effort or strength is needed, as well as the setting of these workers; such as a "blue-collar neighbourhood" (or job, factory, restaurant, bar, etc.). The term could also have an offensive meaning; an adjective used to indicate something that is crude, simple, lacking sophistication, or immature (e.g. a blue-collar joke).