Echo Generation: Do You Hear an Echo?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Echo generation Do You Hear an Echo? The echo generation cannot be ignored in the new millennium. They are the offspring of the baby boomers and are those children who were born in between 1980 and 1995. As the boomers age and become a less important role in society, media and other areas of influence are presenting new messages directed towards those teenagers and young adults the make up the echo. With a population of 6.5 million in …

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…we grew up with. And what happens when our fourteen-year-old daughter becomes pregnant? We'll remember when we told our families and members of government that they should not ban any musicians or movies or adds, we'll remember when we said "it's just freedom of speech and opinion" and maybe we'll regret it. After all, the echo will continue long after we're gone and will be heard long after we're silenced. Do you hear the echo?