Ebonics: The Great Paradox

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Wat up yo? Many of you are sitting there wondering what in the world I just said, while on the other hand part of you accept what I just said as every day speech. What am I talking about? Ebonics. The debate over Ebonics produces one of the biggest paradoxes of our time. There are many different parts of this paradox. These include the opposition from the African American community toward legitimizing Ebonics as a …

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…resources develop the suburbs, the residential segregation that accompanies separate schooling has produces a degree of racial isolation among inner-city blacks that approaches complete homogeneity (Troutt 614). As Ebonics debates continue to arise, one thing is certain. There is no perfect solution. Everyone will not be satisfied at he same time. This debate contains and will always contain many paradoxes. The main goal is that there will be means by which we can all communicate together.