Eating Disorders

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Recent studies show that 3% of women develop anorexia, and 8% of women develop bulimic syndromes at some point in their life. Each year 1,000 women die from anorexia, while 5 million women suffer from some type of eating disorder. Also, the results of a current research show that 92% of young women and 44% of middle age women have dieted to lose weight at least once. Although, not all of these statistics seem to be extremely risky, they are still …

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…the dangers of eating disorders and help them to fight the problems that they may cause. A recent ad by Body Shop has been sent out that show a large woman with a quote next to her saying, "There are 3 billion women who don't look like supermodels, and only 8 who do". Although this ad may not be the perfect start to fighting eating disorders, it may change the way that some people feel about them.