Eating Disorders

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Eating disorders develop as outward signs of inner emotional or psychological distress or problems. They become the way that people cope with difficulties in their life. Eating, or not eating, is used to help block out painful feelings. Without appropriate help and treatment, eating problems may persist throughout life. Eating disorders are complex illnesses where both the disturbed eating pattern as well as the psychological aspects need to be treated. Restoring a regular eating pattern …

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…life-threatening, or when it is associated with severe psychological or behavioral problems. Inpatient stays typically require a period of outpatient follow-up and aftercare to address the underlying issues in the individual's eating disorder. Works Cited Magill, Frank N. ed. Survey of Social Sciences: Psychology Series, Vol I. Salem Press: 1993 . 259-264. Gregory, Richard L. ed. The Oxford Companion to the Mind. Oxford University Press, New York: 1987. 28-29. The Encyclopedia Americana, Vol 2. Grolier Inc., Danbury CT: 1995. pg. 15.