East Timor Conflict

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
East Timor is a part of an island near the easternmost tip of Indonesia. Until 1975 East Timor was part of Portugal's colonial empire. Since then however, Indonesia has occupied East Timor. This military occupation by Indonesia has been the source of ethnic conflict on the island. While the Indonesian government asserts that East Timor could not thrive without its help, the East Timorese see independence as their only hope for a peaceful future. December 7th …

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…both sides to a comprehensive resolution based on recognizing the basic needs of the other can progress be made. Both sides can emerge with 'wins' that serve as a solid basis for future cooperation rather than confrontation. In this New World Order of heightened possibilities for resolving long running conflicts, it would be a tragedy if crucial decisions by the respective political leaders perpetuated a conflict that continues to impose heavy costs on all concerned.