East Timor: A Betrayed People Fight for Freedom - Australian Foreign Policy

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East Timor: A Betrayed People Fight for Freedom For most people, except possibly those who live in the region and its proximity, East Timor is a distant, fledgling nation not easily located on a map. Apart from its residents and immediate neighbours, its experiences are known to a few and since it possesses neither size nor geopolitical significance it is no surprise that its existence is largely overlooked. Australia, albeit with self-interest in mind, has …

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…lack of concern for East Timor is a disturbing chapter in Australian history. Furthermore the Australian government's actions, or lack thereof, towards East Timor could quite possibly be labeled as decidedly "un-Australian", based solely on its pragmatic approach to Australasian political decision-making and harmful to its reputation as a fair and equitable country in the eyes of its worldwide peers and certainly in the hearts and minds of the people in this neighbouring, fledgling country.