Early Immigrant students in the early 20th century

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Essay Database > History
During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, education for immigrants and Mexican-American children was a major problem. As both groups started migrating across parts of the United States, questions about what to do about educating the children started being asked. Unfortunately, teaching immigrant children was for the most part frowned upon. Since these groups were discriminated against, the chances for a Chicano or any other immigrant to finish their schooling was slim to none. …

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…her real mom was never affectionate with her. It is evident that Mexican-American and European immigrant students were not given many opportunities when it came to education. Both groups had to go through the same discrimination. Whether if it was name-calling or physical abuse, both groups found a way to keep going. It took a long time, but thankfully both groups were able to fight through that discrimination that was holding them down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**