Early Civilizations

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Essay Database > History
First Civilizations <Tab/>The first two civilizations in the world were the Egyptians and the Sumarians in the region earlier known as Mesopotamia. Over here they started the first two civilizations in the world. Even though a considerable distance divided these two cultures, they still had a few matching characteristics. For example, the two were polytheistic worshippers, they both worshipped multiple Gods. Being the first two civilizations, they made lots of …

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…the Nile and the Sumarians settled down near the river Tigris. This would help them to farm, fish, and drink water. The river gave them plenty of food and water and there was no competition around the place, so if they had control of the river, they had control over the whole territory. In fact, these conditions helped them so much that when the Romans invaded Egypt this ensured food for most of the empire.