Early American Timeline with Literature Analysis.

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In 1791, the Constitution of the United States was signed. The Constitution outlines the United States new form of government. The Constitution of the United States is the most important document in American history. With it we would not have any form of government and would not exist today. In 1794, Eli Whitney improved the cotton gin, which makes cotton a more profitable crop. The improved version of the cotton gin expands the demand for slave labor …

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…a second year to further benefit himself. Thoreau returns to society, after twenty-six months in the woods, to reflect and write his memoirs. Thoreau is satisfied with what he has learned about nature and himself. In chapter eighteen, Thoreau tries to make a conclusion about both the experience and literature his experiment has produced. He believes that his experiment couldn't have been any more successful, and encourages his readers to undertake in their own experiences.