Early 19th Century America-

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Essay Database > History
Early 19th Century America- On March fourth, 1801, Thomas Jefferson was elected President of the United States of America. Thomas Jefferson was a Republican. Republicans strongly supported farmers, and they wanted an agrarian nation. An agrarian nation means some changes had to be made in the country. The country needed strong trade with other countries, and they also needed more land to farm on. This led to the Louisiana Purchase. The French owned a huge amount …

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…summer and from dawn until dusk in the winter. They had 30 to 45 minutes to eat until the bells rang, and they were rushed off. The mill was hot, loud, and very dangerous. In the boarding house six girls were in each room, and two girls had to share a bed. There was no privacy, and the girls had a miserable time. Even though it was almost like slavery it did help the American Economy grow.