"Each Man's Son" and "No Great Mischief" Characters Obsession.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Summary Characters Obsession Alexander Macleod Alexander Macdonald had many obsessions regarding his past that he was unable to escape from. The first, and probably most significant loss that Alexander never got over was the loss of his parents and eldest brother off the ice-covered waters of Cape Breton. Alexander is forced to grow up with his sister and grandmother and grandfather, throughout his life he is always yearning for his lost parents. Secondly in the …

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…his obsession for relationships and the tremendous expectations he has of himself and others has turned him into a monster that no one wants to be around. Even though he adopts Alan, Alan is petrified by his personality and scarred by the loss of his mother just as he was. Dr. Ainslie realizes his obsession turned him into a monster and that even though he was a healer he had done more harm than good.